Outboard and PWC
Up to 65 Hp 2 stroke $ 110.00
Over 65 hp 2 stroke and PWC $ 130.00
Up to 65 hp 4 stroke $ 300.00
Over 65 hp 4 stroke and PWC $ 325.00
This includes treating the fuel, running gas out of carb if possible, draining and changing gear lube, fogging cylinders where applicable, oil and filter change where applicable and a general inspection. Certain models may require non-basic items such as special oil and filters that will be billed at an additional rate.
Inboard and Sterndrive
4, 6 and 8 cylinder engines with sterndrive $ 415.00
All inboard engines $375.00
Bravo and Volvo outdrives with larger gear lube requirements Add $ 20.00
This includes treating the fuel, changing the fuel filter and oil and filter up to 5 quarts, draining the block or water side of cooling system and filling with non-toxic antifreeze up to 5 gallons, change gear lube, fogging the cylinders where applicable and a general inspection. Closed cooling systems antifreeze shall be checked for its condition. Certain models may require non-basic items such as special oil and filter that will be billed at an additional rate.
Shrink Wrap Services
Power boats up to 23 feet long $20.00/ft
Power boats 23 feet long and up $24.00/ft
Any sailboats or large powerboats done outside To be quoted
Winter Storage
Outside we haul. Includes a power wash $29.00/ft
Inside by the square ft. Very limited space $7.00/sq.ft.
Outside delivered on a trailer. Does not include power wash. $22.00/ft
Outside on owners' trailer, we haul using ramp. Includes power wash $26.00/ft
Jet ski on a trailer. $300.00
Jet ski on a trailer inside if space allows $525.00
Additional Services
Jack stand rental $30.00/ea
Cradle rental $225.00
In and out hauling using travel lift $10.00/ft. each way. Just for inspection $15.00/ft
Bottom pressure wash $5.00/ft
Any other work performed will be billed at the general service rate of $105.00/hr.
Items not listed on this price schedule are billed by time and materials.
All per foot items are actual boat length rounded up to the next foot.
Beginning in 2024 there will be a trailer storage fee of $150.00 for boats not winter stored at the marina.
Please note that every boat engine installation is different and we will make every effort to notify
The owner of anything odd we find that needs to be addressed.